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Red Scarf

Red Scarf是2012年创于伦敦的知名中文媒体品牌,为所有来英人士提供全方位生活消费资讯,帮助大家在英国生活的更好,被读者昵称为“Red Scarf”。

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About Red Scarf

Red Scarf is the UK’s most popular Chinese-language lifestyle and information portal. Red Scarf’s website provides tips, advice and insights on British life and culture for young Chinese people studying or working and living in the UK.

Red Scarf shares information, recommendations and advice with its readers, and partners with a number of carefully selected brands to showcase their offerings to the site’s fans and followers. The Red Scarf website provides high-quality, up-to-date information on everything from where to eat out and what to see and do in the UK, to where to find the best bargains.

Red Scarf also provides practical tips and guidance for readers on a wide variety of topics, ranging from National Insurance applications and visa (UK and other countries) extensions, right through to how to unblock a sink or find a job! Chinese people looking for everything from the best restaurants in UK cities to the most popular online shopping sites in the UK visit Red Scarf first, because they know that its regularly updated information and comprehensive insights into British living can save them time and money.

Readers return to Red Scarf time and time again to find answers to their questions, and to catch up on the latest deals.

Why Red Scarf?

Honglingjin means “red scarf” in Chinese, and red scarves have been worn by every primary school student in mainland China since 1949. The word “honglingjin” or red scarf is one that every Chinese person immediately recognises and remembers, and that is why the name Red Scarf was chosen to represent the interests of young Chinese people living in the UK.

Red Scarf is dedicated to serving the UK market, and the Red Scarf brand and logo are trademarked in the UK. Red Scarf is not affiliated with any other websites or social media accounts operating in other countries, some of which have tried to emulate this site’s success and reputation by using the Red Scarf name.

The Red Scarf Story

Red Scarf came into being in 2010, beginning as a personal account on Weibo (China’s largest social media platform and microblogging portal) operated by company founder Pauline Guo.

The intent behind Red Scarf was simple; to inspire and encourage young Chinese people in the UK to get the most out of their time here, and to provide advice and insights to help them to do just that.

As a result of the level of interest in Red Scarf’s Weibo feed and as an ever-increasing number of young Chinese people began to use it to find things to do in UK cities, Red Scarf Ltd. was formed in 2012, and the Red Scarf website as you see it today was created.

Over the following years, a number of other services were integrated into both the website and Red Scarf’s external supporting collateral, including a dedicated WeChat Official Account in 2013, the Red Scarf APP in 2015, and the Red Scarf Shopping Weibo in 2016.

Red Scarf also sends out regular email newsletter updates to the subscribers to highlight what’s new and keep readers up to date with the latest offers.

Today, Red Scarf is the go-to online resource for young Chinese people living in the UK, and readers return to the site time after time and tell their friends about it too, thanks to the Red Scarf’s strong reputation as the best Chinese-language lifestyle portal for Chinese people in the UK.

The Red Scarf Company Vision

Red Scarf’s company vision is to help and inspire people and make a positive difference in their lives, and everything that you find here is designed to achieve just this.

Red Scarf’s advice and insights simply allow young Chinese people to live better lives in the UK, and to get the most out of their time here.

Advertise with Red Scarf

If you are interested in working with us, please contact us by sending email to hello@honglingjin.co.uk and include your company’s name and website (if applicable) to request our Media Pack.

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网站价值评估: Red Scarf于2022年11月09日发布于本站,并储存在本站网址大全收录库中,Red Scarf主要是介绍折扣,购物,旅游,餐厅,签证,Red Scarf,英国红领巾等相关内容的网站信息,本站只是从客观角度进行分析 "Red Scarf" 的网站价值及网站可信度,包括Alexa排名流量估计网站外链域名年龄网站权重等。网站真正的价值在于它是否为社会的发展带来积极促进作用。

"Red Scarf" 的价值还取决于各种因素的综合分析,以网站的流量或收入多少来衡量站点价值当然不够准确。本站提供Red Scarf的基础数据可为您能准确评估网站价值做参考。

"Red Scarf" 浏览人数已经达到3247,如你需要查询该站的相关权重信息,可以点击"爱站数据"、"Chinaz数据"进入;以目前的网站数据参考,建议大家请以爱站数据为准,更多网站价值评估因素如:Red Scarf的访问速度、搜索引擎收录以及索引量、用户体验等;当然要评估一个站的价值,主要还是需要根据您自身的需求以及需要,一些确切的数据则需要找Red Scarf的站长进行洽谈提供。如该站的IP、PV、跳出率等!


Red Scarf的相关信息都来源于互联网蜘蛛爬取,不保证此网站链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该外部链接的指向,不由分类目录网实际控制,在2022年11月09日收录时,该网站上的网页内容,都符合本站收录要求,如果后期该网页的内容出现违规,可以直接联系网站管理员进行删除,麦文网址导航网不承担任何责任!

麦文网址导航网:专业免费网站提交收录即可快速提升网站流量和外链!本文地址 https://www.maiwen.net/wzml/664.html转载请注明!
  • 网站打不开?

建议用手机浏览器打开“Red Scarf”。微信/QQ可能屏蔽了“Red Scarf”网站,首先保证网址是从浏览器/手机浏览器打开的,因为微信/QQ会屏蔽一些站。
建议使用不会屏蔽网址的浏览器。如果浏览器提示“Red Scarf”该网站违规,并非真的违规。而是浏览器厂商屏蔽了这个站。推荐原生态不会屏蔽网站的浏览器,苹果可以用自带的浏览器,"Alook浏览器""X浏览器""VIA浏览器""微软Edge"等!
通常打不开“Red Scarf”都是因为网络问题。好的网站会针对三大运营商(电信、移动、联通)进行优化,所以小网站会遇到一些网络打不开。可以来麦文网址导航寻找“Red Scarf”最新网址、“Red Scarf”发布页和“Red Scarf”备用网址。一劳永逸的话,我们推荐使用加速器(将自己的网络切换成更稳定的运营商,比如电信)。部分网站需要科学上网,比如google等(这边不推荐,除非你真的用于学习资料的查询)以上三点均能解决99.99%网站打不开的问题了。如有疑问,可在线留言,着急的话也可以通过QQ在线联系我们。

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